Netflix won’t be the end of movie theaters

Netflix won’t be the end of movie theaters

netflix movie theater

As Netflix is intent to well-constructed its quest for world dominance, it’s meant to come with some negativity. That explains why one of the narratives surrounding Netflix is how it’s set to skiver the movie theater business. A recent study reveals that this might not unquestionably be the case.

The study was held by the  EY’s Quantitative Economics and Statistics group (per Variety) as they surveyed 2500 people in November in the US. Its main finding was that people who use Netflix moreover enjoy going to the cinema. As opposed to enjoying everything from the repletion of their homes, or the bus, or on the toilet (thanks smartphones!). In fact the study revealed that frequent moviegoers (nine or increasingly visits a year) are the perfect Netflix customers, as they slosh increasingly streaming content than customers who only frequent the talkie once or twice in a year.

The study had been vicarious by the NATO. If you’re tumbled as to why an intergovernmental military alliance is interested in Netflix, then indulge us to clarify. The NATO who greenlit this study is unquestionably the National Association of Theater Owners. This lobbying group for the exhibition industry was hair-trigger of Netflix’ visualization to release Roma & Outlaw King on their platform.

They must’ve been relieved to find out that the people who skip movie theaters are the same ones who have little interest in streaming platforms.  We find ourselves to be relieved by this! As we both enjoy movie theaters and Netflix, this whole situation had made us finger as if we’re unprotected between arguing parents. Now that everyone’s getting withal again, we can finally focus then on watching film speciality ratio problems on Netflix and eagerly rely the death of the superhero film. When it comes to the latter, perhaps Netflix can play a role in its imminent death.

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